ha, don't be fulled by the heading. But definitely, a good book is the love of my life! The anticipation when an eagerly awaited book is finally out and I can get my trembling hands on its brand new, drool worthy cover is worth every moment of the pure agonizing wait.
My heart pounds in excitement and I practically want to scream with the joy of finally being able to read it. Little shivers literally run up my spine and its ecstasy in pure undiluted form. Nothing can compete with the joys of a new book, one I have been totally and obsessively awaiting. No male in this world can even compete. Romance between the sheets (pun intended) and better than in real. You may think its sad, but what you think ain't my problem! 
I am planning a date with my fifth book in JR Wards Brotherhood of the Black Dagger. Yep, a date where neices and nephies have no way of interrupting with no one at home to bug me and where I have my book and Vishous, protag of Lover Unbound all to myself. And of course on my sunbed and between the sheets (in real)