Wednesday 16 June 2010

CCK Family Camp

As usual my entire family is heading down to KL for the annual family church camp. We'll be at the Glenmarie USJ in KL this year, apparently right across the street from my uncle's place. Cool! =D

Will be gone from 17-20th June. And when I get back, will be heading to NUH for further follow up to have a certain growth removed. Sigh. I've delayed enough, time to have it done.

Friday 14 May 2010

What I've been up to

Been MIA for a while due to a very bad episode of gout. For the past two months or so, I've been hobbling on my new pair of crutches or walking with a limp when the swelling, fever and pain goes down. From the remarks of people who've seen me since, I've also lost a ton of weight. That's nice (the weight lost, not the comment) but as I've pointed out, not exactly the easiest way to do so!

I've actually been cooking some, organizing my room (yes been 3 months and tho it's shaping up, I still have a pile of junk smack in middle of the room I've been putting off organizing). For frens who have been out of touch or haven't walked into the former book cave, its now a brighter, PINKER and more (and here's the word again) organized place to sleep, eat and breathe in.

Only one problem now. Since the new maid came and my mom decided to spring clean the fridge (number 2), there's been a bad smell wafting around that area...
It smells like milk gone bad, blue cheese or something of the sort. Looks like we'll have to call the fridge repair man to come and find out what's wrong. The smells been around for almost a week and I believe the next time I ever come across blue cheese I'll be running like the wind.

Thursday 8 April 2010

What's Been Cookin'! (March)

These are the best muffins I've ever made or even tasted. Unlike commercially made ones, these muffins are moist, chocolatey and just totally scrumptious! Definitely for those who love chocolate! You'll never know it's been made with cocoa powder.
Here's the recipe: Black Bottom Muffins.
I made some mods to it, first by reducing the amount of water (esp if you live in the tropics) and also using melted butter instead of vege oil for a richier taste. Try it out and tell me what you think! =D

Creations for the past month (March)

Some of the things I've been up up to. Test driving a new picture layout as well! Will be putting up the recipes section to this blog really soon (hopefully before the end of April. >_<)
I've been taking lots of pics with my handphone cam but I've been a little lazy on the uploading and updating of the blog thing LOL! So expect more pics soon. =D

Thursday 1 April 2010

Goodbye My Friend

I've been down with a gouty and arthritic knee inflammation that's made it hard for me to help around the house now that the maid is gone, the new one isn't here yet, and the fact that my sis and I decided we had to revamp (more like spring clean and chuck my precious books!) my room, which she shares with me and the nephie.

We knocked out a useless shelving and study area, got our Ikea cupboards and finally got the room painted. Actually, my sis did most of that (the painting not the knocking out, that was a contractor). It's now a pink marvel that my neice says she'll visit often since it's her fav colour. (She sleeps in my mom's room about 3 m away...go figure).

During the 3rd week of my re-inflamed knee, I got an sms about a college friend who had been admitted to ICU. The next day, another sms informed me of his wake. I was in a lot of pain and pretty much housebound so I couldn't make it, for his wake or his funeral. But I prayed for his soul and hoped the drunk driver that hit him gets what he deserves. (Too bad there's no life sentences for people like these - irresponsible beh is one thing, irresponsible that costs lives is another.)

Goodbye my friend. We haven't been in touch since graduating from college, but I still remember the times we had then. God bless you and hold you and keep you. Amen.


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